

Thread Definition

  • A thread is a basic unit of execution within a process 基本的执行单元
  • Each thread has its own
  • thread ID
  • program counter
  • register set
  • stack
  • It shares the following with other threads in the same process
  • code section
  • data section
  • the heap (dynamically allocated memory)
  • open files and signals
  • Concurrency: A multi-threaded process can do multiple things at once

  • Advantages of Threads

  • Responsiveness
  • Resource Sharing
  • Economy
  • Scalability
  • Drawbacks of Threads
  • 隔离性变差了,一个线程挂了整个进程都会挂
  • Typical challenges of multi-threaded programming

User Threads vs. Kernel Threads

CPU + mode bit 分为 user mode kernel mode。 现代的加两位,分为四种模式

  • Many-to-One Model
  • Advantages:multi-threading is efficient and low-overhead, 如果没有用 syscall 效率很高
  • Major Drawback:cannot take advantage of a multi-core architecture!if one threads blocks, then all the others do! 只有一个 kernel thread,所以只能在一个核上运行,需要 syscall 的时候效率低

  • One-to-One Model
  • Removes both drawbacks of the Many-to-One Model
  • Creating a new threads requires work by the kernel
    • Not as fast as in the Many-to-One Model
  • Example:Linux, Windows, Solaris 9 and later 这种情况现在用的多是因为硬件便宜了,所以采用效率更高的方式

  • Many-to-Many Model
  • A compromise
  • If a user thread blocks, the kernel can create a new kernel threads to avoid blocking all user threads
  • A new user thread doesn’t necessarily require the creation of a new kernel thread
  • True concurrency can be achieved on a multi-core machine

  • Two-Level Model

  • The user can say: “Bind this thread to its own kernel thread”

Thread Libraries

  • Thread libraries provide users with ways to create threads in their own programs
  • In C/C++: pthreads and Win32 threads
    • Implemented by the kernel
  • In C/C++: OpenMP( 并行计算 )
    • A layer above pthreadsfor convenient multithreading in “easy” cases
  • In Java: Java Threads
    • Implemented by the JVM, which relies on threads implemented by the kernel

只要符合接口的定义,就可以叫 pthreads。 + Pthreads + May be provided either as user-level or kernel-level + A POSIX standard (IEEE 1003.1c) API for thread creation and synchronization + Specification, not implementation + API specifies behavior of the thread library, implementation is up to development of the library + Common in UNIX operating systems

  • OpenMP
  • Identifies parallel regions – blocks of code that can run in parallel #pragma omp parallel 使用之后编译器会为我们切分出若干个并行块,创造出对应的线程,最后使用 join 把线程合并。

  • Java Threads

  • 最多用的,小白友好
  • Green threads have all the disadvantages of user-level threads
  • 早期 JVM 用的是 green threads(many-to-one),现在提供了 native threads(one-to-one)

Threading Issues


Semantics of fork() and exec()

Thread calls fork()

  • Two possibilities:
  • A new process is created that has only one thread (the copy of the thread that called fork()), or
  • A new process is created with all threads of the original process (a copy of all the threads, including the one that called fork())
  • Linux use the first option

If one calls exec() after fork(), all threads are “wiped out” anyway


We’ve talked about signals for processes + Signal handlers are either default or user-specified + signal() and kill() are the system calls + In a multi-threaded program, what happens? + Deliver the signal to the thread to which the signal applies + Deliver the signal to every thread in the process + Deliver the signal to certain threads in the process + Assign a specific thread to receive all signals + Most UNIX versions: a thread can say which signals it accepts and which signals it doesn’t accept + On Linux: dealing with threads and signals is tricky but well understood with many tutorials on the matter and man pages,交给开发者选择

Safe Thread Cancellation

把一个线程的工作取消掉,如何保证取消后不影响系统的稳定性。 + One potentially useful feature would be for a thread to simply terminate another thread + Two possible approaches: + Asynchronous cancellation 立即终止。 + One thread immediately terminates another + The terminated thread does not get to clean up after itself + The terminated thread does not get to unlock any mutexes it has locked + Deferred cancellation 线程会自己进行周期性检查,如果取消掉不会影响系统的稳定性,就把自己取消掉。 + The thread is marked for cancellation + The thread periodically checks if it has been marked for cancellation + The thread can clean up and unlock mutexes before it terminates + The thread can refuse to be cancelled

Default type is deferred

  • The problem with asynchronous cancellation:
  • 立即取消 may lead to an inconsistent state or to a synchronization problem if the thread was in the middle of "something important"
  • Absolutely terrible bugs lurking in the shadows

带来很多问题:比如一个线程正在写变量,值还没有同步到内存或者 cache,这个 bug 很难被复现。 如何 debug 这种问题?需要先复现 reproduce。

  • The problem with deferred cancellation: the code is cumbersome due to multiple cancellation points, 代码不好看,很笨重
  • In Java, the Thread.stop() method is deprecated, and so cancellation has to be deferred 目前没有一个很理想的方案

Thread scheduling

  • Distinction between user-level and kernel-level threads
  • When threads supported, threads scheduled, not processes
  • Many-to-one and many-to-many models, thread library schedules user-level threads to run on LWP
  • Known as process-contention scope (PCS) since scheduling competition is within the process 进程粒度调度,进程分配的时间都一样,每个线程竞争进程的时间
  • Typically done via priority set by programmer
  • Kernel thread scheduled onto available CPU is system-contention scope(SCS) –competition among all threads in system 线程粒度调度,每个线程分配的时间一样

Linux Threads

  • In Linux, a thread is also called a light-weight process (LWP)
  • The clone() syscallis used to create a thread or a process,底下的一些参数告诉线程有哪些信心
  • Shares execution context with its parent
  • pthreadlibrary uses clone() to implement threads.

clone() 有一个参数 CLONE_VM,如果设置了这个参数,那么父子进程会共享内存,否则不会共享内存。

  • Linux does not distinguish between PCB and TCB
  • Kernel data structure: task_struct

Single-threaded process vs multi-threaded process


    pid_t pid;// thread ID

后面的线程创建时只创建 pid,stack,剩余的都指向开始的线程,这就实现了共享。

后面的 PID 都是 leading Thread PID

一个进程里面有许多线程,task_struck 内有 thread_group list_head,用来串起所有线程

线程是 16K(0x4000) 对齐的,是因为至少是 1 page(0x1000) 对齐,又因为 kernel 的原因是要 4 page 对齐。目的是为了减少碎片化空间。

User thread to kernel thread mapping

Process = Thread + Address Space

  • One task in Linux
  • Same task_struct(PCB) means same thread
    • Also viewed as 1:1 mapping
    • One user thread maps to one kernel thread
    • But actually, they are the same thread
  • Can be executed in user space
    • User code, user space stack
  • Can be executed in kernel space
    • Kernel code, kernel space stack

user space stack 不固定,kernel space stack 固定大小 16k(Linux)

  • One task
  • Can be a single-threaded process
    • One task_struct–PCB
    • PIDisthreadID
  • Can be a multi-threaded process
    • Multiple task_struct
    • PID leading thread PID
  • Can be executed in user space
    • User code, user space stack
  • Can be executed in kernel space
    • Such as calls a system call
    • Execution flow traps to kernel
    • Execute kernel code, use kernel space stack