- View(persective)
- Field of view(proper clipping)
- Omit hidden parts
- Surface details like texture
- Light effects on surfaces like continuous shading,shadows and caustics
- glEnable/glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
- glCullFace(mode);
- glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH);
- glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
- Visible Surface Determination
- Goal
- Given: a set of 3D objects and view specification
- Determine: those parts of the objects that are visible when viewed along the direction of projection
- Or, equivalently, elimination of hidden parts(hidden lines and surfaces)
Visible parts will be drawn/shown with proper shading
- Object space methods
- Object precision
- Image space methods
- Image precision
z-buffer algorithm
Object precision
- for(each object in this world){determine the parts of the object whose view is unobstructed by other parts or any other object;drawthoseparts;}
- Image Precision Algorithm
for(each pixel in the image){ 画出最近的 pixel}
Back-face Culling:背面是不可能被看到的。怎么做? 1. Find angle between the eye-vector & normal to face 2. If the angle is between 0 and 90 degrees, discard the face
If the scene consists of a single closed convex polygonal surface,then back-face culling is equivalent to hidden surface removal.
- Painter's Algorithm: Back to Front
- Warnock's Area Algorithm: Divide and Conquer
Z-buffer Algorithm¶
- Apart from a frame buffer F in which color values are stored.
- it also needs a z-buffer, of the same size as frame buffer,to store depth(z) values. 存的是离得最近的深度值,z 值更小的就是离得更近的
- glClearBuffer(red,green,blue,alpha)
- glClearDepth(depth)
- glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)
- glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)
- glDepthFunc(GL_LESS)
- Binary Space Partitioning Trees:BSP Tree
- Very efficient for static group of 3D polygons as seen from an arbitary viewpoint
- Correct order for Painter's Algorithm is determined by a traversal of the binar tree of polygons
采样率 / 分辨率不够,看到锯齿
Anti-aliasing: 降低锯齿
- Super-samping: 一个 sampling 取不止一个点,增加采样率
- Area sampling: